Plasmapheresis - Souti Das In this experiment, the dog is rendered hypoproteinaemic by repeatedly withdrawing whole blood and injecting back the cellular elements of the blood (suspended in Ringer-Locke solution). This process is repeated daily till the level of plasma proteins fails to 4g/100 ml. Thereafter different standard diets are given and their effects on protein synthesis are studied. Following conclusions have been drawn from this experiment: • Dietary proteins are essential for synthesis of plasma proteins. • Chemical resemblance of food protein amino acid with those of the plasma proteins to be synthesized determines their efficacy to synthesize a particular protein. • Essential amino acid must be present in the diet for the satisfactory synthesis of plasma proteins. • Dietary proteins of animal origin favours albumin synthesis. • Dietary proteins of plant origin favours globulin synthesis. • Regeneration of plasma proteins occurs within 14 days. • ...
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